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Shout3D™ 2.0 - 3D Studio MAX Export Tutorial

Tiling the Bitmap

Many MAX users do not understand the distinction between tiling textures in the UVW Mapping modifier and tiling them in the Material Editor. The former method tiles the texture coordinates. The latter tiles the image that is applied to untiled texture coordinates. This distinction is not often significant within MAX, but it makes a difference when exporting to Shout3D.

Shout3D does not support the second, and more common, tiling method. Rather, you must adjust the tiling in the UVW Modifier. Set the U tiling in the UVW Modifier to 3.0 and export. Open ball.s3d in a text editor, and correct the path to the bitmap as you did in the last step. Remember to save the edited .s3d file.

When you preview again, the tiling will be evident, as in the image on the right.


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